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Narcan saves lives

Life Book 5 Generation Lineage Journal

Life Book 5 Generation Lineage Journal

Regular price $30.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $30.00 USD
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We at Butterfly EFX believe that documenting family history is paramount. so we published a book to document family history called The Life Book.

Proceeds from the sales of this book will help Butterfly EFX acquire more  Narcan, to distribute to the community. Which would really help out alot.

So much is lost when a loved one leaves us. Especially when its unexpected.

Cherish your loved ones today. Sit down with your mother, or Grandmother and answer the questions in the prompt with them. A wealth of information is available for the asking. After your grandmother and mother are done start on your generation. Take your time. Once you're finished, pass it done to your child, and they pass it done to theirs.

A wealth of information can be saved forever with the Life Book 5 Generation Life Book Journal 

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